Our Trading House Pluton LLC started working
« BackThe company is located in St. Petersburg, has a warehouse with a wholesale license for the purchase, storage and supply of alcoholic beverages. The company supplies our products to wholesale and retail customers in St. Petersburg and the region, as well as in Moscow. The company carries out wholesale deliveries throughout the Russian Federation. Pluton LLC has contracts with logistics operators VTK Fort and Vinny Stil for servicing retail customers in Moscow. In the presence of contracts with these companies, we are ready to make deliveries of our products in Moscow as soon as possible. In the absence of such contracts, a representative of Pluton LLC will help to conclude them.
Also, Pluton LLC provides a full range of logistics services to other organizations working with alcohol products in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region - contracting, storage, delivery, and accounting of supplies.
The company plans to open a wine boutique, where unique products that our company has will be presented.
Coordinates of the company:
197183, St. Petersburg, ul. Sestroretskaya, 5, lit. A.
General Director Frolov Andrey Vladimirovich
tel: +7 921 9148125
ProdExpo 2019
Presentation of the wines of our partner, Covinca cooperative, Cariñena region, Aragon province
Igor Larionov's wines of the Triple Overtime series are now available in St. Petersburg
Igor Larionov's wines of the Triple Overtime series are now available in St. Petersburg.
Distributor in St. Petersburg - the company LLC Pluton.
Deliveries of new Triple Overtime wines from legendary hockey player Igor Larionov
Our Trading House Pluton LLC started working
Our company has opened its Trade House in St. Petersburg - LLC Pluton.