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St. Petersburg

The results of the exhibition PROWEIN 2014

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The results of the exhibition PROWEIN 2014 02.04.2014 01:02

From 23 to 25 March, the largest European exhibition of wines and alcoholic beverages was held in Dusseldorf.

Our company took part in this exhibition.

During the exhibition, negotiations were held with our existing partners, companies:

- Navarro Lopez, Spain

- Kovinka Sociedad Cooperative, Spain

- Montariol Degrote, France

- Wycomte, France

- Angus Dundee Distellers, Scotland

- Chelk Hill Vines, Australia

- Hooghoudt Distillers BV, The Netherlands

Also meetings were held with potential new partners from France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Mexico.

Joint meetings were held with our Russian distributors and foreign manufacturers.

The exhibition was quite successful, we have signed several new contracts.

The overall impression of the exhibition - this year there were fewer visitors than in the previous one. The list of participants has changed, there were notably more stands of manufacturers from Germany, Austria and other countries of Central Europe. We also noted the increased interest of the Germans themselves to local products - around these stands the greatest concentration of visitors was noticed. By the way, various events took place here most often, such as presentations, tastings, trainings. One can still note the excellent organization of the exhibition, the lack of queues at the entrance, exit, wardrobe, etc. There were no complaints about the work of restaurants. But, as always, there is no room for negotiations. If you come as a visitor, then you will be standing somewhere in the corner talking to your partner, who is also without a stand.

In the evenings, the exhibition moves to the Old City area, restaurants and clubs, where further communication takes place until late. Particularly impressive is the atmosphere of this place, fun and relaxed. As a rule, having talked in the evening in a fun atmosphere with your colleagues in the Old City, the next day you better find mutual understanding with them, come to an agreement sooner. The main thing is not to be late for the morning meetings ....

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